The Pulse

women walking

Step into better health

Did you know? National Walking Day is April 3, 2024.

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women walking

Step into better health

Did you know? National Walking Day is April 3, 2024.

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thumbnail_alt_text===women walking

The 2024 Utah Legislative Session is Complete

As of March 1st, the Utah Legislature concluded its annual 45-day Legislative Session. During this short time, they passed a record 591 bills, including 156 on Friday March 1st alone, and set the 2025 budget at $29 billion.

The 2024 Legislative Session is Almost Complete

It’s been an exciting month of negotiations and strategizing as we move quickly toward the end of the Legislative Session.

One of our priority issues, postpartum Medicaid expansion, was getting sidetracked in the challenging conversations around Medicaid repeal, cost containment, and other measures under consideration, but despite these challenges, we managed to get a postpartum bill passed! House Bill 633 will allow women to keep the health care coverage they receive under Medicaid for a full 12 months after delivery, rather than just 60 days the current program covers. This will cover the various health challenges many new moms face after the birth of a new baby, without the additional obstacle of losing health care. The bill has passed through the House and Senate and is waiting to be signed by the Governor’s office.


women walking

Step into better health

Did you know? National Walking Day is April 3, 2024.

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Healthy food

Nutrition Month Update

March is a month that can bring change: you, your friends and family might become fans of college basketball teams you’ve never thought of before. It could be the beginning of spring, flowers might be in bloom where you live, in other places it might snow, and in some places, both happen in the same week! March is also National Nutrition Month, which provides a great opportunity for us all to reflect on the impact of nutrition on heart and brain health, and how public policy contributes to the ability of families to eat healthy food.

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thumbnail_alt_text===Healthy food
CPR and AED use


On March 20th the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted on legislation that will help primary and secondary schools develop cardiac emergency response plans (CERP), help fund and maintain automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools and help train school staff to be ready to perform CPR and use the AED to save lives. This bill, the HEARTS Act, passed unanimously through the committee and the next step is for the bill to be considered by the full House of Representatives.

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Iowa Legislative Update

We’re Halfway There

After a flurry of activity last week, we have hit the 7th week of the 90th General Assembly and we now have the top priority bills that will be debated in the days ahead.

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A Closer Look at Phone Call Anxiety

In today’s digital age, where texting and emailing have become the norm, the thought of making or receiving a phone call can trigger anxiety for many. This specific type of anxiety, known as telephobia, is more common than one might think. It encompasses a range of fears related to phone communication, including the dread of awkward conversations, the fear of being misunderstood, and the pressure of having to respond in real time without the luxury of carefully crafted written responses.