A You're the Cure Advocate Goes to Washington


American Heart Association funded research has lead to the discovery and development of many treatments and procedures, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR, cardiac catheterization, stents, clot-busting drugs, links between dietary fat and cholesterol, and more.  Since 1949 the AHA has spent over $3.5 billion on research placing us second only to the federal government in funding for heart disease and stroke.   You’re The Cure advocate and chairperson of the NH Advocacy Committee, Andrea Karpinski will travel to Washington DC this month to ask Senator Jeanne Shaheen to prioritize our nation’s investment in research.  The National Institutes of Health provided over $64 million to research labs in New Hampshire last year.  The cuts Congress has made to the NIH budget will undermine advances in medical research, Andrea will represent NH is asking the Senator to protect, preserve and restore funding to the NIH.  Other NH advocates can also take part and show their support for Andrea by participating in the Hearts for Research Photo Petition through the AHA’s You’re The Cure website.

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