On June 30th - less than two months from now - Oklahomans will head to the polls to vote on the proposed Medicaid expansion - Ballot Measure 802.
The American Heart Association believes all Oklahomans should have access to affordable, quality health care coverage and the recent COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized its critical importance. At last count, nearly 200,000 Oklahomans are caught in the coverage gap: they make too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private health insurance. These are working families, young adults, and seniors. Now is the time to close the gap and ensure Oklahomans have adequate, affordable health care coverage. We need your help.
Personal stories are one of the most powerful tools we can use during a campaign. Stories can help everyone understand the importance of having access to health care. Whether you are a long-time You're the Cure advocate, have gone without health insurance coverage, or just interested in healthcare rights, your story is powerful! Tell us why you support expanding Medicaid?
Medicaid expansion impacts all of us. The servers at our favorite restaurant, the home health nurse at the nursing home and the cashier who rings us up at the pharmacy - these are our friends and neighbors who are working on the front lines during this crisis and are least likely to have health insurance.
Whether it’s you or someone you know who falls in the coverage gap, or you simply believe, like us, that everyone should have access to affordable health care, we encourage you to share your story and reason why.
Thank you for your action, as we speak up for Medicaid expansion! Together, we can help more Oklahomans have access to health care so they can live longer, healthier lives.
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