Shared Use Bill Encounters Obstacle


On March 25, Senate Bill 396, Shared Use was heard in its first committee of reference.  Unfortunately, Senate Education Committee member, Senator Maria Sachs, drastically changed the substance and intent of the bill with an amendment.

This bad amendment does the following:

  • Creates a guaranteed pool of money trial attorneys can tap into if someone is injured during the use of a shared use agreement;
  • Takes away the school board’s ability to negotiate shared use agreements because the amendment mandates criteria;
  • Will create more lawsuits for schools and third parties to have to deal with; and 
  • Will decrease the number of shared use agreements schools enter into.

Let Senator Sachs know how disappointed you are in her decision to pursue her amendment and choose profits over children.

Stay tuned as the bill moves forward and we work to undo this bad amendment.  Together, we can help encourage schools to offer our children the chance to play on their recreation facilities.

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