World Stroke Day 2018

Together with friends, family and other members of your community, your involvement can help save lives — and quality of life. 15 million people suffer a stroke worldwide each year. Stroke can happen to anyone.


Here is how you can educate and empower others about the three R’s of stroke: recognition, rehabilitation and recovery this World Stroke Day.

Recognition: Do you know the common warning signs of stroke? Learn the signs by watching and sharing our F.A.S.T. Parody Music Video to spread the word.

Rehabilitation: Learn what to expect from stroke rehab, where to get rehab and how to customize a plan just for you. Download our stroke rehab infographic and resources to help guide you.

Recovery: If you are someone has had a stroke, set or help them achieve their personal post stroke goals here by making and reaching their “I Will Again” rehab goal.

To learn more act 

Link to World Stroke Day Website

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