Without Day


On April 29, The Maine Legislature adjourned Sine Die.

Sine Die is Latin for "Without Day."  This is the phrase used when a legislature or assembly does not assign another day to meet.  Obviously, the Maine Legislature is coming back after the election in November, but there is no day assigned.  This wraps up the 127th Maine Legislature.

The Second Regular Session of the 127th Legislature was a mixed bag for the American Heart Association. 

We were crushed by the extremely short-sightedness of the minority of our legislators who put election-year politics over providing close to 80,000 Maine residents with comprehensive health care.  For just a small investment of state dollars (which we had) the Federal Government was ready to give Maine hundreds of millions of dollars to provide health care to our hardworking, low income neighbors.  The hard truth is that some of our friends and neighbors will die without this care.  That is why we keep fighting.

However, there were a few small bright spots.  First, there were no further cuts to Maine’s woefully underfunded public health programs.  Second, the Legislature passed a bill that strives to get more Maine produce and seafood into our foodbanks.  This $3 million investment will allow those with food insecurity to provide their families with healthy food.  We worked closely with our partners at the Maine Public Health Association, The Good Shepard Food Bank and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network to get this done.  Thanks to all of you who helped along the way.

So, now we get ready for the 128th Legislature.  We will work to educate all candidates about the importance of cardiovascular health so we can have an educated legislature going forward.

As always, if you want to help, please email at [email protected]

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