Winning the Fight Against E-Cigs in Vermont

Thanks to the hard work by many volunteers like you, the Governor will soon be signing legislation into law that would prevent e-cigarettes from being used any place smoking is currently prohibited in Vermont!


The Vermont House on April 26th, gave its approval to the changes made to the bill by the Senate. This was the last step needed before the Governor can sign the bill into law.  

This was a long process that was debated quite a bit this session. Our goal with the bill was to ensure social norms against smoking were not eroded, to protect Vermont kids as use of this unregulated protect is growing exponentially, and to ensure Vermont’s clean indoor air laws remain strong!

A special thanks to volunteer Jan Carney who was an invaluable resource during testimony on this issue, to the Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility who reached out to the Senate Health and Welfare committee at a critical point and noted, “H.171 is a step toward a healthier future for Vermonters,” to the House Human Services Committee for giving the issue so much time before their committee and to senators’ impassioned statements on the floor such as the one by Senator *** McCormack who commented during an effort to roll back restrictions on smoking, “I think it’s important to fight for rights, but the right to smoke is not one of them.”

 Great work everyone and thanks for your help!

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