White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health

On Wednesday, September 28th the American Heart Association is joining government leaders and other health, hunger and nutrition organizations and advocates from across the country at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health.

hero_image_alt_text===The White House
thumbnail_alt_text===The White House
hero_image_alt_text===The White House
thumbnail_alt_text===The White House

American Heart Association staff will be participating along with CEO Nancy Brown. Additionally, two You’re the Cure youth advocates - Andre Scott from Texas and Bella Crowe from Arkansas - and their families were also invited to participate based on their lived experience and dedication to improving our nations health. These youth advocates and their families will participate in plenary sessions led by government leaders as well as working groups where they will be able to offer insight and recommendations for actions the federal government can take to improve access to nutritious foods and ways to be active.

Andre and Bella

This historic event has been more than 50 years in the making, with the last one being held in 1969. That conference ushered in historic and life-changing updates to the national school breakfast and lunch programs and other federal nutrition assistance programs. We hope the 2022 version of the conference will be just as impactful, especially as Congress considers a child nutrition reauthorization bill. You can help ensure that happens by clicking this link and contacting your Senators today.

We will be posting live updates throughout the conference, so be sure to search for #WHConfHungerHealth and follow all our social media channels.
Twitter: @AmHeartAdvocacy; @NancyatHeart
Instagram: @american_heart
TikTok: @americanheartassociation
Facebook: @yourethecure

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