What is Cardiac Ready Community?

Doris Vigen, Director of Nursing at Sanford Mayville Medical Center recently submitted a column to the Traill County Tribune about the Cardiac Ready Community program.  Communities across North Dakota are recognizing the life-saving benefits of implementing the program in their own communities.  Read on for more information about Cardiac Ready Community. 

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So, what is Cardiac Ready Community? By Doris Vigen

Information has been shared related to designation of the communities of Mayville-Portland as a cardiac ready community.  Work has been done to meet the criteria which include:  public access to AEDs, CPR instruction, blood pressure screenings, and transport plans for first responders, EMS, and the local hospital.  The follows the Five Links in the Chain of Survival as designated by the American Heart Association: 

  • Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system;
  • Early CPR with an emphasis on high-quality chest compressions;
  • Rapid defibrillation
  • Effective basic and advanced life support, and;
  • Integrated post-cardiac arrest care.

A committee is in place with the initial focus on determining location of AEDs in the community, providing additional AEDS, teaching CPR, and setting up blood pressure screenings.  The group appreciates the support of the local EDC and will be in contact with area businesses to determine their interest in having an AED and having staff trained in CPR.  We are also looking for anyone interested in being part of this committee. 

Since February is Heart Month, and Feb. 3 is designated as National Wear Red Day, events are being planned. There will be special emphasis on Go Red and awareness of heart disease at the Cardiac Rehab department at Sanford Mayville Medical Center.  AEDs will be provided for several non-profit organizations.  Blood pressure screening will be done at the February 10 MPCG basketball game and the Feb. 11 MSU basketball game.  Please note as well that there will be free CPR classes held monthly at the West Traill Ambulance building on Main Street.  The first class has been held; the next class will be February 20. 

This is a community project - any involvement from the community is much appreciated.  Please contact Stefan Hofer at WTAS or Doris Vigen at Sanford Medical Center.  

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