Join the #NoMOHeartDisease Movement!

Happy American Heart Month advocates! Due to some changes in circumstances, we have to cancel this year’s state lobby day which was to be held February 13th. We are still going to be strongly advocating for building healthier, longer lives in Missouri and we’d like to invite you to be a part of our new campaign, #NoMOHeartDisease! 

#NoMOHeartDisease is a brand new, statewide initiative. We are so excited to be working on this and we need your help for it to be successful. Each month we will share a featured survivor story, opportunities to become more involved with the American Heart Association, and advocacy updates.

You can find and share information on the initiative on the American Heart Association’s Missouri Facebook and Instagram pages. I hope you will share each survivor story with your friends, family and co-workers each month to help spread awareness of heart disease in Missouri.

Karen Englert, MO Government Relations Director
American Heart Association

Allison Hogue, Grassroots Manager
American Heart Association

February 13, 2019 at 12:00am - 1am
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Ave
Jefferson City, MO 65101
United States
Google map and directions
Allison Hogue · · 501-680-7520

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