You're our inspiration and motivation in the fight for heart-healthy policies across Texas - You're a Rockstar!
Many of you have fought alongside us by sharing your stories with lawmakers and fellow advocates - thank you so much! We want to inspire others to share their stories and create change in their community so we have a challenge for you.
Will you share your story today? We would love to hear why you advocate for the American Heart Association. Have you been impacted by heart disease or stroke or are you passionate about one of the issues we work on - we want to hear from you! We may feature your story in an upcoming blog, on social media or beyond!
Chloe Burke, Heart Survivor and AHA Advocate testifying during the 2023 Texas Legislative Session
Chloe's Story: "I really feel as though I was given a second chance at life. I was born with a rare congenital heart defect that I went my entire life undiagnosed with due to my age, gender, and lack of familial history. I never thought I needed to educate myself on the signs and symptoms of heart disease, and how to live a preventative heart healthy lifestyle. I didn’t listen to my body, and dismissed the severity of my symptoms for years until one day, I suddenly collapsed on a football field as a collegiate cheerleader. This led to a year of medical testing, including 12 different heart surgeries. I was finally diagnosed with a CHD that was weakening my heart’s main artery, and was told I needed to fly to Stanford Cardiology and undergo open-heart surgery if I wanted to live to see age 25. This is why I am an American Heart Association advocate. It was a wake up call to listen to my heart and begin educating all people across not only Texas, but America, to not wait until it’s too late and end up like I did, suffering and almost losing their life, but rather reducing this through preventative heart health and advocacy."
Together, we can save lives and fight to end cardiovascular disease and stroke. We can't wait to hear from you! Please CLICK HERE to share your story today!
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