We Need Your Story - What does PE mean to you?

As adults, many things we take for granted of “just knowing how to do”, are often rooted in skills we learned in Physical Education (PE).

hero_image_alt_text===Teacher and students participating in Physical Education class
thumbnail_alt_text===Teacher and students participating in Physical Education class

Although it is often easy to forget, our first exposure to many sports, team building skills, strength training, confidence and personal conduct skills like how to be a ‘good sport’ all began in PE class.   

This session we are working to make sure all Oregon kids are receiving the PE they deserve which is why we need your help to make a brief 20-second video. Think back to your own memories of PE in school and share how that experience still affects you today.  Were you exposed to a lifelong love of tennis by learning about it in PE? Where did you first learn how to throw a ball? Or hold a hockey stick?  Was PE the break in school that got you through a particularly tough time in your life?  

Record a brief 20-second video telling us why PE is important to you. Then you can either submit the video to me, [email protected] or upload it to your social media account and tag @PEforAllKids.

We can’t wait to see your video and share it with legislators to make sure all kids have access to PE right here in Oregon. Thank you for your support!

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