We Fund What We Prioritize.

We fund what we prioritize. The Ohio legislature is currently determining priorities in the 2022-2023 Operating Budget and they need to hear from YOU now more than ever. 


Send your message now asking lawmakers to prioritize: 

Increased funding for the SNAP Double-Up Program (Produce Perks). In addition to being good for families, healthy food incentives are good for farmers and local economies. Families win because their Produce Perks purchasing power doubles when spent on healthy foods, farmers win with new customers and increased sales, and economies thrive when food dollars are kept local. 

Increased funding to the Produce Prescription Program (PRx). The PRx program connects patients with diet-related disease (diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, etc) to providers that write prescriptions for free fruits and vegetables. Patients are screened for food insecurity within their household and providers issue monthly prescriptions to meet the family's recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. 

Increased funding to the Tobacco Use Prevention Fund. Sadly, more than 20,000 Buckeyes will die from a tobacco-related illness in 2021 and, without action, thousands of kids will become addicted to tobacco. 

Implementation of Telecommunicator CPR Instruction for ALL Ohio 9-1-1 call centers through the adoption of a NextGen 9-1-1 platform in Ohio. Next Gen 9-1-1 will improve dispatchers’ abilities to provide instruction to bystanders, help manage call overload, transfer 9-1-1 calls and provide better location tracking. 

Adoption of a Statewide Stroke Registry. This registry will provide protected data confirming that steps are being taken to properly and swiftly care for stroke patients across the state.

Thank you for urging your lawmakers to prioritize a healthier future for Ohioans!

Dustin Holfinger and Melissa Brown
Your Ohio AHA Advocacy Team

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