We are Thankful for You

November is a time of gratitude and thankfulness. This year, even more than others, the Arizona Advocacy Team would like to extend our thanks to, you, our fabulous volunteers. We know that this year has been difficult, and yet, when we needed you to help us support issues across the state, you were there. We have accomplished a lot.  During the start of the pandemic, we secured, along with our colleagues in other organizations, funding that helps provide additional food to SNAP recipients when they use their benefits at local farmers markets and stores. And more recently, during the election, the City of Mesa passed a ballot initiative that increase the funding for bike and pedestrian improvements by $20 million dollars. The actions that you, our advocacy volunteers, took made this possible.  So from our heart to yours, we say “Thank you” and wish you and yours a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving.  Please remember to watch your distance, wash your hands, and wear your masks.  Be safe!

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