Waxahachie Goes Smoke-Free!



On August 18th the City of Waxahachie passed a comprehensive smoke-free ordinance by a 4-1 vote.  The smoke-free ordinance will remove harmful secondhand smoke from all public workplaces including restaurants and bars and makes Waxahachie the 39th Smoke-Free City in Texas!

The new law will go into effect on September 18th.  American Heart Association volunteers and staff worked over the past few months to engage the public and City Council on smoke-free workplaces.  Their hard work resulted in numerous visits with Council members, public testimony and Council meetings and hundreds of postcard and photo petitions delivered to City Hall. 

Over 200 people were represented in 60 pages of photo petitions throughout the community posing with “I Support a Smoke-Free Community” posters.  Over 140 new You’re the Cure volunteers were recruited, and we presented over 56 smoke-free cards on the night of the vote.

Let us know what city you want to be the next to go Smoke-Free in Texas!

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