Earlier this month nearly 60 public health professionals came together to coalesce around the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Million Hearts 2022 goals.
hero_image_alt_text===People watching presentation
thumbnail_alt_text===People watching presentation
The conference was convened by the American Heart Association and included representatives from the CDC, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Region 10, the Washington State Department of Health, Qualis Health and more.
Participants explored the Million Hearts goals of:
- Keeping People Healthy through reduced sodium intake, decreased tobacco consumption and increased physical activity.
- Optimizing Care through expanding the ABCS (aspirin, blood pressure control, cholesterol control and smoking cessation), increasing the use of cardiac rehab, and engaging patients in heart-healthy behaviors.
- Improving Outcomes for Priority Populations including African Americans, individuals age 35-66, people who have had heart attack or stroke, and people with mental illness.
The afternoon included an opportunity for participants to do a deep dive in one of four breakout sessions including sessions on hypertension management, worksite wellness, the role of community health workers, and policy as a tool to advance the ABCS. Ideas and resources were exchanged and shared goals identified to carry the collaboration into the months and years to come.
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