WARNING: Smoke-free Workplaces Can Lead to a Healthier Alaska


Session has started and efforts are underway to introduce legislation to ensure all workplaces are smoke-free!  This statewide bill will make sure all Alaskans are protected from secondhand smoke.  Why should all indoor workplaces in Alaska be smoke-free?  The U.S. Surgeon General has declared that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.  It is a serious health hazard, causing heart disease and cancer.  The 2006 surgeon general’s report states “the evidence is sufficient to infer a causal relationship between exposure to secondhand smoke and increased risks of coronary heart disease among both men and women.”  Further evidence suggests that exposure to secondhand smoke also can result in adverse health effects, including heart disease, in nonsmoking adults.  For more information on why we support limiting secondhand smoke exposure, please visit here and click here.

Currently, more than half of Alaskans live in communities with smoke-free workplace laws in place, but the remaining population lives in areas that are unable to enact smoke-free workplace laws due to limited power in the local government.  Which is why we support statewide legislation to make Alaska’s workplaces smoke-free. 

All Alaskans have the right to breathe smoke-free air. Please join the campaign by visiting: http://smokefreealaska.com/. Additionally, we would love to hear why you support a Smoke-free Alaska or how secondhand smoke has affected you, your love ones, or friends.  Please share your story with our network.


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