Vote "Yes" on Amendment D

Right now, there are thousands of hard working South Dakotans that aren't able to have healthcare. Well on November 8th, that can change. Amendment D, is on the ballot and would help South Dakotans gain access to healthcare who are currently struggling and uninsured. Amendment D, allows people who are working hard to make ends meet but not enough to have health insurance. These are people who work in grocery stores and pharmacies; farmers and ranchers; the elderly; those with chronic medical conditions; and South Dakotans who earn less than $37,000 per year for a family of four.


Too many families living with heart disease are struggling with how to pay for healthcare when they don’t have access to health insurance from their jobs. The Varns family is just one example. Listen to their story to find out why they are voting “Yes” on Amendment D and how Medicaid expansion will help Tucker live a full and happy life!

Tens of millions of our SD tax dollars go to Washington, D.C., and are sent to states like North Dakota, Nebraska, and Minnesota to pay for their Medicaid programs. South Dakota’s taxpayers are missing out. If passed, Amendment D would keep our tax dollars home in South Dakota. Expanding Medicaid will also strengthen rural hospitals and help people in rural areas continue to have access to quality, trusted healthcare in their own communities.

Make sure to Vote "Yes" on Amendment D this election to help make sure that everyone in South Dakota has a fair shot at a long, and healthy life.


Paid for by American Heart Association,
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