We know that kids develop their eating patterns early. That’s why it’s so important to get them eating healthy from the start. The more we can show young kids that healthy foods are the norm, not foods with lots of sugar and fat, the greater the chance that their eating patterns will be healthy.
Meals promoted as kids’ meals at restaurants are consumed by the youngest kids, aged 2-5. Only 3% of restaurants are currently meeting nutrition standards for kids and a recent survey showed that almost half of kids aged 3-5 had eaten at one or more fast food restaurants in the past week. We have work to do to make the healthy choice the easy choice for these kids and parents.
And we’re glad to say that we have the support of a LOT of Vermont hospitals.
The Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems has signed on in support of our resolution to have nutrition standards for restaurant kids’ meals. Not only that, eight individual hospitals have signed on, including:
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital
University of Vermont Medical Center
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Porter Medical Center
Rutland Regional Medical Center
North Country Hospital
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
Brattleboro Memorial Hospital
We are glad to have their support! Thanks for help Vermont kids be healthy. Go to our website to learn even more. www.servingkidsbettervt.org
And we’re sending out a big ‘thank you’ to Southwestern Vermont Medical Center for such great support for our restaurant effort at their June Heart Walk. Hospital leadership, cardiology and cardiac rehab were all great champions of the effort!
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