As much as we do know about stroke, there are still a number of things that we don’t. But there is hope.
hero_image_alt_text===Infographic that says "80% of strokes are preventable"
thumbnail_alt_text===Infographic that says "80% of strokes are preventable"
For the past several years the AHA|ASA has been working with stroke doctors and nurses from across Utah as part of a state-wide Stroke Task Force. More recently we have been working with the Department of Health and others to create a stroke data registry. While the name doesn’t sound all that exciting, the impact that it could make is remarkable! While protecting individual patient data, this stroke registry would help researchers and doctors in the state get a greater handle on who is being impacted by stroke and begin the process of finding out why.
We will keep you updated on this important policy in the coming months as our goal is to bring this before the state legislature next year to create a state-wide stroke data registry!
This month we also have the opportunity to recognize World Stroke Day on October 29th. As the 4th leading cause of death in Utah, the need for arming ourselves with information about how to spot, treat, and prevent stroke has never been greater!
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