Utah Heart on the Hill 2018



Please join us on February 9th for our annual "Heart on the Hill" Advocacy Day at the Utah State Capitol! As always, we will be focusing our efforts on those issues and policies that have a direct impact on heart health including: local tobacco prevention and control, and creating Stroke and STEMI registries in our state to strengthen the quality of care received by all Utahns,

We will be honored to hear from lawmakers and volunteers just like you! There is no previous advocacy experience necessary. You will learn all about our issues and be provided with talking points that morning. The day is sure to be impactful as we meet with our lawmakers to make a difference in the lives of all Utahns!

More details will be coming as we get closer to the event. We look forward to seeing you there! 

February 09, 2018 at 11:00am - 1:30pm
Utah State Capitol
350 State St
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
United States
Google map and directions
Kami Sutton · · 206-336-7244
Lavinia Sasaki Wendy Stock Steven Tew Laura Western Deanna England Cory McCann Jennifer Majersik Steve Downing Chrisi Thompson Jana Wold Jeanie Hammer Karlee Adams Douglas Tapking Marc Briggs Erin Ekstrom Jennifer Merback Marc Watterson

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