On Tuesday, April 25th, the Arlington City Council met to consider a smoke-free ordinance for the second time. Two weeks prior, the City Council voted 6-3 in favor of the ordinance.
To a packed house of Arlington residents, Councilors decided to table the vote until the next scheduled meeting on May 9th. The American Heart Association will continue to advocate for this lifesaving measure and we invite you to join us on May 9th for the final vote. If you live in the Arlington area, and want to be involved in this crucial and final phase of the campaign, please contact Samantha Bender ASAP ([email protected]).
Every year, roughly 42,000 people die in the U.S. from preventable diseases caused by exposure to secondhand smoke. Workers in the hospitality & service industries such as bartenders and wait staff are significantly more at risk.
With every breath in a restaurant or bar that allows smoking, workers are exposed to 7,000 chemicals that cause heart disease, lung cancer, and other serious illnesses. Non-smoking employees smoke the equivalent of up to 36 cigarettes over the course of an 8-hour work shift. This can be prevented with comprehensive smoke-free policies that protect ALL workers.
If you're interested in learning more about how you can make your city smoke-free, or our current efforts, contact Samantha Bender ([email protected])
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