Update on our efforts to raise the tobacco sale age - only one more vote!

I am excited to share with you that on Thursday March 22nd, legislation to raise the tobacco and e-cigarette sales age to 21, passed out of its final committee by a vote of 13-7! It has already passed in the House of Representatives by a margin of 66-30. We have just one last vote – the full Senate.

I want to thank you for your years of support on this issue. After 4 years it looks like we might just pass this important legislation. If you have attended a lobby day or emailed your legislator in support thank you, we couldn’t have gotten this far without your help.

Research tells us, 2,100 Washington youth become new regular daily smokers each year, and that 95% of smokers start by the age of 21. Plus with the recent reports telling us that youth are using e-cigarettes at alarming rates this bill is a huge opportunity to keep tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, out of high schools and protect kids from the dangers of tobacco use.

With your help, and I'll admit my fingers crossed, we will protect the next generation from these dangerous products!


hero_image_alt_text===The words tobacco to 21 over a picture of a cigarette
thumbnail_alt_text===The words tobacco to 21 over a picture of a cigarette
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