Update on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The State Superintendent’s Equity in ESSA Stakeholder Council has been meeting regularly and at their last meeting, Student Wellness (which includes Physical Education) was added as a potential indicator of School Quality and Student Success, which is a category on report cards that are produced for every district and school in the state.  If this is included as an indicator, it will help elevate the importance of Physical Education and enable parents to know how much PE their children are receiving in school.

hero_image_alt_text===Tennis shoe
thumbnail_alt_text===Runners running

We are encouraged to see that Student Wellness, particularly the Physical Education component, has been put forward as a possible addition to the school report card.  We'll continue to reach out to Superintendent Evers to advocate that it remains in the discussion and is part of the final plan.  And we’ll keep you informed about this as the Council continues their planning.  

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