Unlocking the Doors to Healthier Kids in the Commonwealth


Do you remember recess? Was it your favorite part of the day? I know it was mine! It was a time to laugh, jump, run and simply be a kid. Did you know that today, many children do not get the recommended amount of physical activity? This happens for multiple reasons including not having access to safe playgrounds and gym facilities when the school day is over. But that can change!                                 

Research has demonstrated that providing communities with safe places to play and be active helps families exercise more – and when kids become more physically active it can lead to higher academic performance. In addition, shared use of school recreational facilities, including running tracks, pools and playgrounds, can help address a growing issue – childhood obesity. There is no better time to make physical activity accessible for all families!

Children deserve to have to have a safe and clean place that allows to them to be active – and school districts should not have to worry about being liable if they provide this resource to families.

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