Texas Advocating for Heart Event: Go Red For Women



The Advocacy Team presents its signature event, the Go Red for Women Advocating for Heart event on February 1 at the State Capitol. This event brings together Grassroots Action Team members, State Advocacy Committee members, Cor Vitae members, Circle of Red participants, event committee members, and Board Members for a high impact experience to raise awareness of the nation’s number one killer of women – heart disease – and to turn the Capitol red.

Wear red and meet us in the Rotunda! The event will kick-off with House and Senate resolutions recognizing the importance of knowing the risk factors associated with heart disease and acknowledging the fight to improve heart health for women.

Following the legislative resolution presentations on the House and Senate floors, volunteers will gather for a mix and mingle luncheon. The Advocacy Team will also facilitate meaningful opportunities for volunteers to meet with their elected officials and their staff to discuss top AHA policy priorities. The event concludes with a heart-healthy reception.

February 01, 2017 at 9:30am - 3:30pm
Texas State Capitol
1100 Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78701
United States
Google map and directions
Claire Stieg · · 512-338-2439
Jo Betsy Norton Rosalie Weisfeld Christina Robinson Barbara Salyers Christopher Pena William Haliburton Kristin Powers Letty Barolia John Murphy Edna Tijerina Margaret Garza Courtney Altimore Nancy Rn Mallory Martin Aminat Ashiru Nabila Alam Jasmine Ward Saida Santiago Ashley Lindsay Iselda Salazar Eithan Kotkowski Emmanuel Garrett Misti Palacios Brianna Abreo Andy Martinez Sharon Tarleton-bailey Elizabeth Morse Nora J Nikki Donathan Laura Ware mary frazier Kattina Bryant Patricia Rios Andra Casillas Amanda Cox Victoria Nelson Darcy Mingoia Yvette Daniel Elsie Jones Stephanie Samuels cody garms Yvette Rowland, Ed.D Susan Patten Mary Mandel Pkaye Washington Amanda Reat Georjann Robertson Mikaela Sifuentes

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