CPR/AED Funding for Texas Schools Needs Your Support!

Recently, I had the opportunity to testify before the Texas Senate Finance Committee in support of all Texas school districts having the resources and training necessary to teach CPR and AED use to high school students, so they are prepared to step in and save a life in an emergency.


Chloe Burke video thumbnail

Watch Chloe's full testimony at video mark 4:19

In 2019, I underwent a rare open-heart surgery so I could live to see age 25. Throughout my youth I was passing out in classrooms, football games, and even choir hallways due to my heart not being able to give my body or brain enough oxygen. It wasn’t until college when I was cheering at a University of Houston football game and had a cardiac event on the field that the crucialness of CPR became a reality for me. 

Will you send a quick email to your lawmaker asking them to include funding for CPR and AED training for all public high school students in the state budget?

Feel empowered to share why CPR/AED training in schools is important to you by personalizing your email! 

With Heart,

Chloe Burke in a UH cheerleading outfit.
Chloe Burke
Survivor & AHA Advocate

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