Colorado has two big wins to be proud of following the November 7 election in Denver and Aspen. We are thrilled that last week, ALL SEVEN Denver bond propositions, 2A-2G, passed! This is truly a win for health as it means that Denver now has the funding it needs to make our streets a safer place to be active. What exactly do we mean?
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thumbnail_alt_text===Image of a bicycle
Propositions 2A-2G will result in 17 miles of protected bike lanes, 32 miles of neighborhood bikeways, 28 miles of sidewalk gaps filled, and 287 miles of streets repaved. That'll make it even easier for residents of the Mile High City to get out and get active. You can learn more about all of the projects here. Thanks to everyone who block walked and voted in Denver!
In Aspen, voters approved a significant tobacco tax. The tax will increase the price of a pack of cigarettes by $3 in year one and 10 cents every year for the next 10 years, bringing the total to $4/pack in 10 years. The revenue from the tax increase will fund health and human services, tobacco-related health issues, and addiction and substance abuse education.
This tax increase will truly save lives. Significantly raising the price of cigarettes and other nicotine devices, such as e-cigarettes, increases the number of smokers who quit, cuts health care costs, and reduces heart disease and stroke.
Congratulations to Denver and Aspen for leading the way when it comes to health! What great reasons to be proud of Colorado.
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