Join our Transportation Reauthorization Tweet Chat!

On Thursday, May 27th, the American Heart AssociationThe League of American Bicyclists and Safe Routes Partnership will host a Twitter chat to discuss the federal Transportation Reauthorization, policies that support active transportation in communities across the U.S., and how you can get involved.


In case you’re not aware, the United States Congress is currently considering a multi-year transportation funding bill. While the majority of funding goes towards surface transportation like highways and railways, we want to ensure that robust funding goes towards programs and policies that help Americans get moving! Active transportation programs help children and families get moving and be active in safe ways.  These programs and policies help build dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes as well as recreational trails. These programs are also great way to promote physical activity and combat sedentary behavior. Currently, 80% of adults and nearly 75% of children in the U.S. fail to meet recommended amounts of physical activity, and active transportation programs make a BIG impact!  Being physically active can help curb weight gain while lowering the chances of chronic illnesses like heart disease!

To kick off our campaign to ensure that active transportation programs and policies are prioritized in the Transportation Reauthorization process, we invite you to join us for a Twitter chat!

Mark your calendar for Thursday, May 27th to chat live on Twitter using #TransportationChat.

Here's how to participate: 

  • On the day of the chat, login to and follow @AmHeartAdvocacy
  • Starting at 12PM ET / 9AM PT, @AmHeartAdvocacy will begin posting question prompts for you to respond to about active transportation and the importance of policies that make it easier to walk, bike and roll in your neighborhood. 
  • When you see a question, click "Quote Tweet" or "Reply" to answer the questions from your own Twitter page. 
    • Keep track of what question you're replying to by putting a corresponding "A1" for Answer 1, "A2" for Answer 2 and so on in your tweet message.
  • Include the hashtag #TransportationChat in ALL your answers to make sure we can see your response. 
  • Have fun! Use GIFs and photos of your neighborhood bike lanes or places that could use some intervention to keep the conversation going.

See you there!

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