Together We Can End Stroke in Massachusetts


When someone has a stroke, time and type of care are the two most important factors to their survival and quality of life. A person experiencing a stroke needs to be sent to a hospital that is properly equipped to handle their particular type and severity of stroke. And the sooner, the better, as time literally equals brain. The American Stroke Association wants to make sure all Massachusetts residents will receive the highest quality of stroke care, from prevention, to treatment and rehabilitation. We can use your help to move this critical legislation quickly. Click here to send a message to your legislator in support of a coordinated, statewide system of stroke care.

There are three key components we are asking the State to pass into law in order to provide the best possible stroke care in Massachusetts.

1. Stroke center designation:
2. EMS protocols
3. State stroke registry

Your outreach to your legislators on this critical issue can help us promote efforts to create a coordinated statewide systems of care to improve the treatment of all stroke patients.  By supporting this critical legislation, your legislators have the opportunity to make sure that stroke patients are receiving the highest quality of care.

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