Today is #ElectionDay

We know it’s been a tough election season and you’re glad it’s almost over. Voters across the country will be making some big decisions today on a variety of heart and stroke issues. 


Whether it’s voting on a sugary drinks tax, funding to improve walking and biking in our communities, or efforts to increase the tobacco tax there is plenty to follow this #ElectionDay. Many of these issues are on the ballot across the country, so make sure you get out and vote!


Sugary Drinks Tax is on the ballot in;

Albany, CA

San Francisco, CA

Oakland, CA

Boulder, CO

Active Transportation is on the ballot in;

Los Angeles, CA

Austin, TX

Sacramento County, CA

San Luis Obispo, CA

Santa Clara County, CA

Santa Cruz, CA

Ventura County, CA

Broward County, FL

Atlanta, GA

Fulton County, GA


Greensboro, NC

Clark County, NV

Washington County, UT

Tobacco Tax is on the ballot in;


North Dakota




Check back later this week to see the results!

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