Tobacco 21 is Back in the News in Vermont!

Burlington residents to vote whether to urge lawmakers to act.

hero_image_alt_text===Teen rejecting smoking.

Among the issues that Burlington voters will weigh in on on Town Meeting Day will be an important public health issue -- Tobacco 21.

When the Senate voted against raising the sale age for tobacco to 21 last session, some members of the Burlington City Council thought passing a local ordinance would be a good place to start. But state law prohibits that, so they found another route.

The council passed a resolution to include a question on the town meeting day ballot asking whether residents would urge the Governor and state legislators to support raising the age of sale for tobacco products in Vermont from 18 to 21 years of age.

We think this is great and hope the voters will answer with a resounding "Yes!" on March 6th.

Then maybe state lawmakers will pick up on that enthusiasm and say 'yes' to Vermont's kids as well.

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