Neighboring State Passes Tobacco 21!
hero_image_alt_text===Cigarette butts.
We know that the vast majority of youth who use tobacco products will continue to do so as adults and that one-half of those adults will die prematurely from tobacco-related diseases. We also know that most teens who smoke report getting the tobacco products from their friends, 90% of whom are under the age of 21. This is why there is a local, statewide and a national movement to increase the tobacco sales age to 21, in order to make it more difficult for our kids to go down the road of addiction and disease.
Earlier this month, Massachusetts became the 6th state to raise the age to purchase tobacco and vaping products to 21. The legislation also amends the smoking laws to ban e-cigarettes and vaping devices in areas where tobacco products are banned and include other regulations, including restrictions on electronic smoking devices, such as e-cigarettes and Juuls.
Massachusetts joins California, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey and Oregon to do so, as well as over 70% of New York State.
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