Our 2017-18 Tennessee Advocacy Committee is composed of individuals from across the state with different occupations, who have a great interest in advocating for policy change for heart-health issues. Throughout the year, we will introduce some of our members. Today, we'd like you to meet Victoria "Tori" Goddard.
hero_image_alt_text===Photo of Tori Goddard
thumbnail_alt_text===Photo of Tori Goddard
Occupation: Operations Manager
Everyone has a reason to live a longer, healthier life. What’s yours? My daughter, Zoey.
Many people choose to volunteer for the American Heart Association because they’ve been impacted by heart disease or stroke. Do you have a personal connection to our nation’s No. 1 and 5 killers? Yes. My daughter was born with a heart defect that restricts the amount of blood traveling to her lungs. She had her first life-saving surgery to treat the defect when she was 90-days old. All together, she's had 13 surgeries and experienced five strokes and seven cardiac arrests, as a result of the defect. Read more about Zoey's story at abcnews.go.com.
How long have you been volunteering for the American Heart Association? A couple of months.
What interests you about advocating for policies that help create healthier communities and protect heart disease and stroke patients? Being able to help other families.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I compete in tri's (triathlons).😊
Let’s play a quick round of “would you rather.” Would you rather –
- Hike or bike? Bike
- Go climbing or zip lining? Zip
- Go canoeing or waterskiing? Canoeing
- Swim in a pool or the ocean? Pool
- Watch sports or play sports? Play
What was your favorite activity in P.E.? It’s the parachutes, right?! Actually, no. It was the playground and swings.
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