Tips for talking to kids about e-cigarettes/vaping

This past month we’ve had a chance to sit down with students, parents, teachers, school administrators, physicians, and lawmakers to talk about the current youth vaping epidemic. It is heart-breaking to hear them describe situations like trying to help a 12-year-old break free from nicotine addiction. It is infuriating to see how these devices, with their appealing flavors and “harmless” marketing are doing exactly as they intended: creating a new generation of nicotine addicts.

As a parent of a middle-school aged child I have taken the time to sit down and discuss with her the concerns I have with vaping and get a chance to listen to her talk about what she is seeing, and answer questions she has. As much of an “expert” as I like to think I am, I still struggled with certain things and wanted to share a few resources with you to help aid your discussions that you’ll have with your kids, grandkids, siblings, or peers.

hero_image_alt_text===Words that say The Youth E-Cig Epidemic Ends Now
thumbnail_alt_text===Words that say The Youth E-Cig Epidemic Ends Now

Parent Tip Sheet from the Surgeon General:

Emerging Electronic Tobacco Products

Youth and Tobacco: A New Crisis

Resources to help quit smoking and/or vaping

  • Remember, your child’s brain is still developing. They don’t weigh the consequences of behavior and actions like you do. Be patient. Show your love and your support. If you child is vaping or using other tobacco products, they don’t need your anger, they need your support as they try to break the addiction to nicotine. This site has resources that can help.

We wish you the best of luck as you engage in these conversations with the young people in your life. Know that we are hard at work to help our state put policies in place to help make our communities healthier.  We appreciate your efforts as we all work hand-in-hand toward our ultimate goal of eliminating youth tobacco usage.

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