Things are picking up!


Things are really picking up around here!  After missing some work due to a heart-related death in my family, I am back and doubly motivated to fight heart disease.  My calendar is a mish-mash of driving around the state to meet with legislators about bills, introducing myself to volunteers in northern Maine and having meetings with coalition partners such as MAHPERD, American Lung Association, American Cancer Society—Cancer Action Network and the Maine Public Health Association.

On top of that I have to find Huntslub the Elf and do some Christmas shopping.  Oh boy!  That is ok.  I like being busy. 

I hope you too like being busy because we have a lot of work to do this winter.   With the ever-expanding budget gap and all new leadership, it will be more important than ever for the American Heart Association’s active volunteers to get our issues in front of the legislators.

If you need any advice on how to talk to your legislators, please don’t hesitate to give me a call or shoot me an email. [email protected]  207-523-3007

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