In recognition of Childhood Obesity Awareness month, we are pleased to be able to provide our advocates with the most recent statistics on childhood obesity in our state and across the nation. The State of Obesity report (formerly F as in Fat), a project of the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, provides a close-up look at our progress toward reducing childhood obesity, and the work that lies ahead of us to ensure our kids are growing up healthy and strong.
You can read the full report by clicking here to visit
For the past 11 years, this report has raised awareness about the serious nature of obesity, and encouraged the creation of a national obesity prevention strategy. The American Heart Association has worked alongside our partners at the Trust and RWJ Foundation, and others, to develop effective approaches for reversing the obesity epidemic at the state and federal level.
Illinois is ranked 25th among all states and the District of Columbia.
Click here to see our state report.
The report also highlights the various policy objectives that are important in our fight to reduce obesity: physical activity before, during and after school, school nutrition, access to healthy and affordable food, food and beverage marketing, etc. Reducing obesity in our communities will take dedication, focus, innovation and cooperation. Please join us in this fight! See how you can take action at
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