Thank you for fighting to improve Austin's health!



Thank you to the new and returning volunteers who tirelessly advocated online, over the phone, or in person at City Council in support of an Austin Healthy Corner Store Initiative. We are so grateful for the time and energy you spent on the “More at My Store” campaign to make the healthy choice the easy choice for ALL Austinites.
Today, the City Council dedicated $400,000 in the budget for food access, including $150,000 for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative. We want to thank the Council for prioritizing obesity prevention measures in the budget. While we hoped the Healthy Corner Store program would be funded at a higher level, we are glad the Council took up this issue and will continue working toward policies to improve food access in Austin.
Mayor Steve Adler and your Councilmembers heard from you a lot over the past couple of weeks. We ask that you send them one more very important message -- a thank you! Please thank the Council today for their consideration of a Healthy Corner Store Initiative
We cannot thank you enough! By sharing your stories, you made quite a lasting impression, not only on your Councilmembers, but on us as well. We are continually inspired by volunteers like you, and can’t wait for our next campaign together!

Update: The “More at My Store” campaign was featured on KEYE news! A special segment aired at 6 pm on September 14, highlighting the need for healthy food access in Austin and recognizing the AHA’s role in the city’s allocation of $150,000 for a Healthy Corner Store Initiative. Our Austin Grassroots Action Team Chair, Pkaye Washington, was interviewed by KEYE and is featured in the segment. Check out the video and article, which also mention the AHA’s ongoing statewide grocery access campaign.


Learn about More at My Store.

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