Last year, the Appropriations Committee approved $150,000 for 12-lead cardiac monitors for our Rural EMS services. Cardiac monitors with 12-Lead capability are critical in diagnosing a STEMI heart attack … the deadliest type of heart attack. On March 4th, the AHA had the pleasure of announcing a $5.3 million initiative to expand Mission: Lifeline efforts into rural Nebraska. In a collaborative, statewide effort, Mission: Lifeline will be implemented over three years with funding from key partners that share a commitment to improving outcomes for patients across the state. Mission: Lifeline is the American Heart Association’s community-based initiative that aims to improve outcomes for heart attack patients and will focus on areas of the state outside of Omaha and Lincoln. This grant, along with appropriation approved last year, will help to save lives.
The lead funder is The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, providing $4.1 million for the initiative. Other current funders include the Fund for Omaha through the Omaha Community Foundation, the Ron and Carol Cope Charitable Fund, and Aaron and Rachel Wagner. Additional donor support will be sought throughout the duration of the three-year grant.
If your Senator sits on the Appropriations Committee, be sure to send him or her a note of appreciation. To send your note today, CLICK HERE.
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