Meet Our Texas Helpers! #TXhelpers

The late Fred Rogers, creator and host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood often described advice his mother gave him during scary times. “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping,” he would say, relaying his mother’s words. In this time of uncertainty, and as the impact of COVID-19 spreads through our communities, states, country and world, we want to learn more about the helpers in your neighborhood.


Is your helper a physician or nurse working long hours in a local ER, a restaurant worker delivering your favorite dish to you curbside with a smile, a pharmacist or pharmacy tech going above and beyond, a rockstar educator teaching your kids virtually or even a neighbor who is sharing supplies hard to find? 

Thank you to those who have shared their stories so far! 

Cynthia from Austin shared: CC Rowe is a long-distance runner in my neighborhood. Through our neighborhood networks, she has been gathering lists of people who need to stay completely isolated (including some young families with children who have lung issues and a young woman in our neighborhood who has recently undergone 3 heart surgeries). Each day that she goes for a long run (usually 4-7 miles), she asks if there are things that can be carried from house to house—things that could be given and shared. She plans her routes according to who needs what to get where and dons protective gear at each stop to keep down the spread. We are all in this together, and CC Rowe is part of what keeps us connected. She delivers anything that can fit in a backpack including supplies, food, books, games for the kids—not because it’s her job, but because she cares for our whole neighborhood! We are all becoming better neighbors, more generous and caring, because of CC Rowe!

Kate Van Dellen

Connie from Arlington shared: Our neighbor, Kate Van Dellen, is making protective fabric face masks. “Not for sale” though. Kate’s masks are for several neighbors, including an emergency room physician, a nephrologist and an allergist.

Natasha Hatcher

Nadyelli from Fort Worth shared: Good morning my name is Nadyelli Rodriguez and I do appreciate everyone that is out there for us. I know doctors, nurses and all of the first responders make an impact in our communities, as we also acknowledge and appreciate all the groceries store workers and all of the farmers, but I’m just going to talk about one person who has impacted my life the last few days through the coronavirus home quarantine. I'm an active member of the YMCA and I really enjoyed my workout class with one of the instructors of ZUMBA. Natasha Hatcher has been offering ZOOM workout classes at no cost! She takes her time to greet everyone (virtually) and to send a positive message of staying active. I do appreciate her positivity and time that she puts into each of us. Hands up to all of our wonderful community. You can find Natasha on Instagram @natasha_hatcher_fitness.

Jane from Austin shared: A man on my Nextdoor community posted asking if anyone needed anything & couldn’t get out. I asked if he could get some laundry detergent for me, as my local grocery store was out. He got out on His own time, and got what I needed!! He delivered it right to my door!! And I’m sure I’m not the only person he has helped!! Even though we had never met, he made such a difference and came to my aid!! Thank you Clint Morgan for being such a helper! 

Claire Tomiak

Tracy from Colleyville shared: My niece, Claire Tomiak, is a nurse at John Peter Smith County Hospital in Fort Worth. When Fort Worth announced they were opening a shelter at the convention center during the pandemic, she volunteered to help staff the site that serves the most vulnerable members of our community. She is now helping the JPS Street Med Team provide care at the shelter. These medical professionals are awesome!

Amanda Simpson

Deborah from Richardson shared: Amanda Simpson, RN is one of the HARDEST working people I've ever known. She is Area Clinical Manager for Aviator Home Health in McKinney. Since the beginning of the pandemic, she has worked tirelessly to make sure all of our nurses, therapists and other ancillary staff have all of the vital PPE they need. This has been no small feat. She has done a remarkable job at networking and thinking outside the box to find masks, gloves, disposable coveralls, and goggles from places such as hardware stores, restaurant supply, dental offices and so on. She even picked up “swimming” goggles from Walmart!! She’s does all of this along with her normal responsibilities of training and assisting with the vital back-office tasks that help keep the agency afloat. We are one of the few agencies in our area that actually that started scrounging early and has supplies because of her. She is also mother of a teen and four year old she is essentially home schooling due to COVID-19! No matter how tired, she puts her responsibility for her family, our vulnerable patients and the agency before her own health and needs. Amanda, I do not know what we all would do without you. You are truly our Angel- a Blessing to our profession and truly what it means to be a NURSE.

Rusty Garvin

Lisa from Fort Worth shared: Rusty Garvin, who lost his wife to Alzheimer’s disease, has been volunteering for the Alzheimer’s Association for the past several years. Staff relies on him for a variety of tasks, from copying files to helping host the Friday morning early stage social engagement program. When the Alzheimer’s Association offices closed and everyone was encouraged to stay home, Rusty sent out an email to the Friday morning group offering to grocery shop, run errands or help in any other way he could. He has shopped, sat with people with Alzheimer’s so their spouses could run errands, and even taken a neighbor to the emergency room. The world needs more people like Rusty Garvin.

Richard from San Antonio shared: We all remember a question about the LONE RANGER from the T.V. program by the same name. When certain people realized that The Lone Ranger and Tonto had saved the day “Who was That Masked Man?” was the resounding refrain. Well in San Antonio during this COVID 19, all across this family oriented city that refrain could well be heard echoing here as so many regular everyday folks have stepped up to hand out food to others who were not well prepared. Behind those masks are dozens of everyday heroes who jumped in to alleviate the suffering. But they can be pleased because GOD sees behind the masks and HE will know.


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