The calendar says it’s 2022, but You’re the Cure advocates should be calling it the year of nutrition policy! Throughout the year we expect the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to issue rules that will determine what foods and beverages are served in schools across the country. At the same time, the United States Congress will be considering Child Nutrition Reauthorization.
That means that YTC advocates will need to be extremely vocal throughout the year if we want to ensure as many of our children as possible are served the best and healthiest meals. We already know that science-based nutrition standards in schools can help children reach their full potential, combat rising cases of chronic disease, and may even help improve school attendance and grades, and that enabling all students to access free and reduced priced meals helps reduce the stigma associated with the program. But, lawmakers and USDA officials need to hear that from people like you!
We will have several “bites at the apple” but before we start contacting lawmakers and agency officials, we want to know what you and your family’s experience has been and hear your thoughts on nutrition policy. We will use this information to identify key advocates that can play a major role in impacting nutrition policy throughout the year! So please, take just a few minutes to click the link and share your thoughts. We’ve included a few questions on the next page to help get you started but please know that we want to hear from you whether you have school age kids or not. We also want to hear from students themselves as we need as many voices and stories as possible if we’re going to enact positive change!
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