Tell Them: You’re the Heart of Your State!

Play with us! Take 5 minutes and be part of the American Heart Association’s #HeartOfMyState campaign.  If you can find the record button on your smartphone or other device, you can participate. 

hero_image_alt_text===woman taking photo with her cell phone

We invite you to shoot and post a one-minute video for our #HeartofMyState campaign.  The ask is simple - film a quick, one-minute video introducing yourself to your members of Congress, and remind them that you are the heart of your state.

Post your video on Twitter tagging your members of Congress.  If you don’t ‘tweet’, you can post on our page on Facebook and tag your lawmakers, and/or post on your lawmaker's pages.

***** Then hit this link to tell us it’s posted! *****

If you’re not sure who your Congressional representatives are, find out here.

Want a quick walk-thru and script?  See:


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