Please sign the petition to ask your lawmakers to ensure all 911 telecommunicators in Minnesota are trained to offer CPR coaching to callers.
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Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency, and what happens in the first few minutes can mean the difference between life and death. Without quick intervention in the form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation, death is certain.
Almost all cardiac arrests result in a call to 911 for help. Telecommunicators who answer the 911 call are a critical link in the chain of survival. With the right training, telecommunicators can talk callers through how to perform CPR while EMS is in route. Immediate CPR can double, even triple chances of survival. We have made great strides to ensure a strong 911 system in Minnesota, however there is room for improvement. The chain of survival starts with dialing 911.
Sign the petition today to ensure your voice is heard!
Click here to read the petition that will be delivered on your behalf to your state officials
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