The time has come to increase the tobacco tax in Nebraska. The reason is simple: Significantly increasing the tobacco tax will save lives from tobacco-related illnesses, and it will save health care costs for our state. Take action today to encourage Revenue Committee members to approve LB 438.
hero_image_alt_text===Picture of boy saying no to cigarette
thumbnail_alt_text===Picture of boy saying no to cigarette
It is estimated that by increasing the tobacco tax by $1.50 per pack of cigarettes, an estimated 11,300 of our youth will not become addicted to tobacco as adults.
It also means a significant savings in health care costs for our state. An estimated $795 million in annual health care costs in Nebraska is directly caused by smoking. $795 million every year!
Nebraska can do better. It’s been 15 years since our state has raised the tobacco tax, and Nebraska currently ranks 41st of 50 on tobacco tax rate.
The time has come to do what’s right … Increasing the tobacco tax is a win-win for our state. This measure will save lives and save money on health care costs.
Encourage Revenue Committee members to support tobacco tax increase.
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