TAKE ACTION: Tell City Council that OKC Hearts Need Healthy Food


We’ve been talking a lot about food access lately, specifically how it needs improvement right here in OKC. Maybe you’ve been excited about helping to improve the situation, maybe you’ve been taking action, or maybe you’ve been asking yourself what does food access have to do with the American Heart Association?

If you fall into that third category, you’re not alone. The concept of food access can be confusing but the truth is, when it comes to heart health, food access matters every step of the way and you can help by taking action now!

CNN recently ranked lack of food access amongst America’s 9 biggest health issues. The article states, “It [lack of access] takes a real toll on their health. Families who live in these areas struggle more with obesity and chronic conditions, and they even die sooner than people who live in neighborhoods with easy access to healthy food.” Having access to healthy foods is detrimental to one’s heart health. It is both a before and after issue for cardiovascular related disease.

Being able to find affordable healthy foods is crucial in preventing heart disease and stroke, but it’s also necessary for proper recovery. Here in Oklahoma City, 62% of our citizens are classified as having low food access. This means finding healthy foods for their families is difficult, if not impossible. We want to change that. Our goal is to get nutritious, affordable foods into our neighborhood corner stores and convenience stores. This will help improve access to healthy snacks and meals for thousands of individuals and families every day, and will lead to improved health, lower incidence of chronic disease in our community, and ultimately lives saved as a result. This is why we are involved with this fight, and we hope that you will join us.

Please help by sending a letter to your City Council member telling them that proper access to healthy foods is important to you, your neighbors, and OKC hearts!

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