Newsletter Action Alert
Last Friday, nearly 200 You’re the Cure volunteers went to the White House as part of the Obama administration’s briefing series on “Making Health Care Better,” with an emphasis on cardiovascular health.
Join our journey to 200 FAST Act cosponsors
There is nothing like a summer road trip. A chance to explore new places and experience adventures along the way.
Cardiac Rehab Hill Day Recap
It might be the summer, but You're the Cure advocates are not taking a vacation just yet. We took the cause of increasing cardiac rehabilitation straight to Capitol Hill!
5 Things That Can Make You a Stroke Hero
You don’t need superpowers to be a Stroke Hero! Here are 5 simple things you can do during American Stroke Month!
Exercise their Minds: Protect PE
The benefits of physical education ring clear as a school bell. With daily PE, we can keep kids’ hearts healthy and their minds in gear to do their best at school.
The Road to Recovery
Everyone knows someone who has had a heart attack, and thanks to modern science there are amazing medical interventions making survival possible.