Heart Walk
12 Sep 2016
Meet Kathy Godsey
Kathy Godsey lost her husband to a heart attack, and after becoming reclusive and sedentary following that life event, she recognized her need to become more physically and socially active. To meet new friends and exercise, Kathy began to participate in charity walks. When she discovered the Anchorage Heart Walk, she felt a special connection because of her husband’s illness and the “good work that the American Heart Association does.”
9 Aug 2016
Please Join Us at a Heart & Stroke Walk
We are having a lovely summer this year in Washington and while I don’t want to fast forward the calendar, I do want to take a moment and invite you to join us at one of three Heart & Stroke Walks...
8 Jul 2016
The 2016 Oahu Heart Walk is just around the corner
The Heart Walk celebrates those who have made lifestyle changes and encourages many more to take the pledge to live healthier lifestyles while raising the dollars needed to fund life-saving research and initiatives in our local community. Come walk with...
6 Apr 2015
Spring is in the air, and that means many exciting activities at the AHA
Guest Blogger: Erin Bennett, Idaho Government Relations Director The legislative session will wrap up any day but we are happy to announce the Governor signed the appropriations bill for the Millennium Fund, with $4.7 million dedicated to tobacco prevention, cessation,...
8 Sep 2014
Back to School - Join Us As We Advocate for Healthy Policies for Our Children
written by Marc Watterson, Government Relations Director, Utah Like many of you, I look forward to the fall season! Truth be told I’m not a huge fan of the heat and I have always loved Utah’s cooler fall climate. Fall...
8 Sep 2014
It's fall and that means it's Heart & Stroke Walk season!
Labor Day has come and gone and the kids are back in school. Both of these are signs that fall is just around the corner but there is another sign of fall in Washington and that is the American Heart...
11 Sep 2013
Advocate Spotlight: Jacob's Heart
Jacob's Heart, California Nicole Dinubilo-Wells is the mother of twins—Julianna and Jacob—who were born five weeks early on June 3, 2004. Jacob Ryan Wells was born with a critical congenital heart defect (CCHD) called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. With this...
6 Sep 2013
Utah Heart/Stroke Walk & Run 5k
Guest Blogger: Marc Watterson, Senior Government Relations Director, Utah The American Heart Association|American Stroke Association here in Utah is excited to announce our upcoming Heart|Stroke Walk & Run 5k on September 21st at Sugar House Park! Three years ago, the...