Heart at the Capitol
California Heart at the Capitol 2018 Recap
On Tuesday, March 20th over 120 You’re the Cure volunteers, high school students, survivors, and American Heart Association staff visited the Capitol in Sacramento to raise awareness about heart disease. Our advocates supported Senate Bill 1192, a bill which would make water or milk the default beverage in kids’ meals served in restaurants; and two budget asks calling for the prioritization of healthy early child care and the creation of a Hypertension Awareness pilot program.
hero_image_alt_text===Group photo in front of Capitol building
thumbnail_alt_text===Group listening to speaker
Arizona Heart at the Capitol 2018 Recap
Last week over 70 You’re the Cure volunteers, survivors, caregivers and medical professionals gathered in Phoenix for Heart at the Capitol, a day to raise awareness about heart disease. During the event, volunteers advocated for two key policies: raising the minimum purchase age of tobacco products to 21 years of age and to allow Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients to use their benefits at local farmers markets when purchasing fruits and vegetables. Here’s some key details volunteers shared with legislators:
hero_image_alt_text===Advocates standing in front of Arizona state capitol
thumbnail_alt_text===Advocates standing in front of Arizona state capitol
California Heart at the Capitol 2017 Recap
Earlier this month on Wednesday, April 5th over 125 You’re the Cure volunteers, survivors, and American Heart Association staff visited the Capitol in Sacramento to advocate for statewide policies to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and stroke.
hero_image_alt_text===Photo of advocates standing on stairs
thumbnail_alt_text===Photo of advocates standing on stairs
Join Us April 5th for Heart at the Capitol 2017
I hope you’re as excited as I am that Heart at the Capitol in Sacramento is just around the corner on April 5th! If you haven’t registered yet, sign up today!
hero_image_alt_text===Photo of California state capitol building
thumbnail_alt_text===Photo of California state capitol building
Arizona Heart at the Capitol 2017 Recap
On Thursday, February 2nd over 55 You’re the Cure volunteers, survivors, and American Heart Association staff visited the Capitol in Phoenix to raise awareness about heart disease and advocate for a statewide policies to raise the minimum purchasing age of tobacco products to 21 years old and to create a stroke registry.
hero_image_alt_text===Advocates standing in front of Arizona Capitol building
thumbnail_alt_text===Advocates sitting in meeting with lawmaker