Facts and Figures
22 Jul 2016
How much sugar is sneaking into your diet?
Did you see that the American Heart Association was featured on KARE 11 yesterday? It's all about sneaky sugar!
11 Jul 2016
Participate in your local August Recess!
We are looking for volunteers to take a meeting with their member of Congress while they are in town this August.
31 May 2016
Vermont Child Care Facilities Have New Emphasis on Healthy Eating & Activity!
Parents of young children across Vermont can now have greater confidence that their child care provider is building the foundation for a heart-healthy life.
2 May 2016
Good Food Access Fund is Ready to Take on MN's Healthy Food Access Problem!
More than 340,000 Minnesotans face both distance and income as a barrier to obtaining healthy, affordable food such as fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy, whole grains, and lean meats and poultry.1 This problem is only worsening with 61% of...
27 Apr 2016
Albany County Legislature Holds Public Hearing on Tobacco 21!
Last night, the Albany County Legislature held a public hearing on raising the purchase age of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years old. Public Health advocates and community members came out in full force to discuss the reasons why...
7 Mar 2016
Symposium Attendees Taught to "Rethink Your Drink"
Attendees at the Worksite Wellness Symposium learned just how much sugar is in their daily beverages. We started out our 15 minute breakout session with a Price is Right style game, "Higher or Lower?" Attendees had three plates of sugary...
7 Mar 2016
The Good Food Access Fund Campaign Kickoff was a Success!
This past Tuesday, the Good Food Access Fund Campaign Kickoff took place at The Wilder Center in St. Paul. We were fortunate to have a group of more than 100 health, food, equity, agriculture and community-development advocates, led by the Minnesotans for Healthy Kids...
4 Feb 2016
Jane Kolodinsky - Good food sells!
Telling legislators that french fries are the most common vegetable served to toddlers, AHA volunteer Jane Kolodinsky urged Senate Health and Welfare Committee members at a recent hearing to implement nutrition standards for restaurant kids meals. Jane, the chair of...
9 Sep 2015
Help Kids Be Healthy for Years to Come!
Obesity has tripled among children and adolescents in the last 30 years. It’s time to act! Establishing strong obesity prevention programs in child care settings is a great place to start. The Vermont Child Development Division is currently updating its...
17 Aug 2015
What is the state of obesity in Austin?