3 Jul 2013
Share Your Story: Dr. Bob Urata
Dr. Bob Urata, Alaska Long-time AHA volunteer Dr. Bob Urata is a well-loved physician in his hometown of Juneau and a well-known friend around the Alaska State Capitol. As a veteran advocate and current Alaska State Advocacy Task Force Member,...
3 Oct 2012
Share Your Story: Michelle S.
Michelle, Alaska My daughter was born with coarctation of the aorta in 2003. She was flown by medical personnel from our hometown of Fairbanks, Alaska to Anchorage where she was diagnosed. The next day, at just three days old, we...
3 Oct 2012
Share Your Story: Sharon B.
Sharon, Alaska I have always known that heart disease was hereditary. I had my first blood clot in 1964 and the next clot in 1983. I started to feel tired easily and was often out of breath. I asked my...
14 Sep 2012
Share Your Story: Melissa A.
My 15 year old daughter was a perfectly healthy, typical child who survived a stroke nine years ago caused from chicken pox. This is pretty rare and does not happen often in children. Maggie couldn't walk or even hold her head...
14 Sep 2012
Share Your Story: Julie
Julie, Alaska I was born with a hole in my heart. At school, I was unable to participate in P.E. without a doctor’s note. Each time I did a strenuous activity, I could feel my heart rapidly beating. I was...
14 Sep 2012
Share Your Story: Margaret R.
Margaret, Alaska I decided to have a complete physical after feeling shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, chronic cold and sinus symptoms, and heart palpitations. During my physical the doctors found I had mitral valve regurgitation. Within four months of my...